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Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Links (Because I had to...)

OK, so I wasn't going to do any links, but one commenter compared me to Frank Shirley in "Christmas Vacation" taking away his bonus, and well, I can't argue with that. So, an abridged version...

-- Rivals' Anthony Dasher has a Q&A with the far more talkative Stacy Searels.

-- Bleacher Report gets in on the recruiting game by taking a look at 2010 prospect Mack Brown.

-- The Dublin Courier Herald gets in with a late endorsement of the new Georgia hoops coach.

-- Georgia Sports Blog preps you for the big event this weekend... the Diamond Dogs vs. Kentucky, of course.

-- I am a noted critic of the sport of soccer (or "kickball" as I sometimes refer to it), but I'll admit it would be pretty cool if the World Cup were to be played at Sanford Stadium.

-- Check out the new Simpsons stamps.

-- Here's the obligatory "Lost" article for your reading pleasure.

-- And finally, in honor of the SECOND movie about mall cops to come out this year, here's a rundown (anyone watch "The Office" last night? What exactly is a "rundown?") of the all-time best action scenes set in malls. No offense to the writer of this list, but it begins and ends with his No. 10 scene. Excuse me, but do you have this in a Miss Piggy?


Universal Remonster said...

Must dissagree. The Police Story mall brawl is one of the greatest film fights of all time.

T. Kyle King said...

What excuse will be given about uprooting the hedges this time if Sanford Stadium hosts World Cup soccer?

A soccer field is wider than a football field. In order to make room for soccer to be played in Sanford Stadium, the hedges would have to be removed.

When that was done in 1996, a highly dubious story was fed to Bulldog Nation. I doubt whether it would work a second time. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.