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Monday, July 25, 2011

Back in Black

Yes, the headline is a tribute to Amy Winehouse, may she rest in peace. And yes, this is the real Seth, back on the job after a few days away.

I hated missing SEC media days: the chance to make fun of Les Miles, nap to Gene Chizik's voice, and freeze to death in the Wynfrey Hotel ballroom. But the chance to see your little sister get married, and walk her down the aisle, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

(At least you hope it's once in a lifetime.)

Thank you to the inimitable Mike Lough for filling in last week. Judging by the lack of lawsuits, and the fact the blog is still here, I'm assuming Mike did great.

Speaking of the blog, I'm told by the powers-that-be that we will at long last be able to merge the two sites into one, hopefully before the start of practice next week. I know I've talked about this before, but this time I'm told it's for real.

It shouldn't entail any big changes - this blog link should automatically re-direct - and hopefully you won't notice any differences. If there are any kinks, please bear with us. I'm also not sure what it will mean about commenting, i.e. whether registration will be on or off. But all in all this should be a big improvement, and releases me from the headache of having to post and maintain two different blogs.

In the meantime, keep checking here for updates, starting tonight from Atlanta from the Bulldog Club meeting. Speaking of which, I better hit the road now. Talk to you later.

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